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TRC's Latest on COVID-19

The importance of the TRC chaperone will be amplified by the needs of post-COVID-19 America. TRC chaperones will not only provide a steady arm to support door-to-door transit. Our chaperones will also assist in providing a secure and sanitized space for the patient/client to make a safe trip.

Sanitizing Products

Health Precautions

In light of the current public health crisis, TRC has implemented the following health requirements for chaperones, drivers, and passengers based on CDC recommendations and public health research.

Wear a face covering

All persons in the car and chaperones interacting with patients will be required to wear a mask or other face covering at all times. TRC chaperones will be issued custom and CDC approved face masks. Masks must be worn for the duration of the ride and patient interaction. Please remember to sanitize your hands before and after putting on or touching your mask.

Clean the car before the ride

TRC chaperones will be issued essential cleaning supplies and undergo sanitary specific training so to ensure the car is as clean as possible before the ride begins. They will also be issued hand sanitizer to make sure their and the patient's hands are clean.


Temperature taken before the ride

Prior to their first ride of the day, the TRC chaperone will have their temperature taken and patients will follow all hospital protocols. According to the CDC 83-99% of infected patients develop a fever.


Keep windows down during the ride

To increase air circulation during the ride, when possible, the chaperone will be instructed to  keep the windows down.

Health Precautions

Rideshare Service Health Requirements


Follow and Enforce All Rideshare Service Health Mandates

As a service functioning in conjunction with prominent rideshare companies, our chaperones will be trained to fully understand and enforce the health and safety guidelines put forth by the rideshare firms. Learn more about the measures Uber and Lyft have put in place to combat the Coronavirus pandemic.

Rideshare Requirements

Virtual Chaperone (Location Option)


While the original proposed structure would assign a TRC Chaperone to accompany a discharged patient for the ride home (or TO a healthcare appointment), we have devised at least one alternative structure which complies with CDC guidance on social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic. The structure proposes a team to provide chaperone support to a client (older person, adult with disabilities, or their caregivers) based on an individual needs assessment. 


Upon discharge from a day procedure, a TRC Chaperone will meet the patient immediately outside the medical facility, and escort them (from a 6’+ distance) and ensure their safe entry into the vehicle, providing the patient with appropriate PPE and assistive information. At the point of departure, the patient’s trip coverage would be handed off to a TRC Virtual Chaperone who would monitor their progress, maintaining telephone contact if desired, and meet them at the curb outside their arrival location, escorting them safely to the threshold of their destination. Upon the safe delivery of a client, the TRC Virtual Chaperone will have the option of reinstating their availability for another assignment.

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CDC Guidelines for Shared Rides

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© 2025 by TrustedRiders, Inc

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